The United States of America

What was the USA like in 1914?
The USA was not a major military power in 1914, but it was an important economic rival to Europe.
What was the government of the USA like in 1914?
The main features of the government of the USA were:
  • A federal republic.
  • A democratic state with much in common with Great Britain and France, although it did not support imperialism.
  • The head of state was an elected president. From 1913 this was Woodrow Wilson, an idealist who believed in progressive ideas. He did not support autocrats.
What was the economy of the USA like in 1914?
American industrial production was greater than Britain's and Germany's.
What was the foreign policy of the USA in 1914?
The USA believed that it had the right to dominate the Americas and the Pacific region, but wished to stay out of European affairs.
What was the population of the USA in 1914?
The USA was booming and European immigrants were adding to its rapidly growing population of 98 million citizens.
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