The Battle of Tannenberg, August 1914

What happened at Tannenberg?
The Battle of Tannenberg occurred after two Russian armies invaded Germany. It was the first major battle of the Eastern Front and resulted in a major German victory.
Which armies fought at Tannenberg?
The Battle of Tannenberg was fought between the German Eighth Army defending East Prussia, and the Russian First and Second Armies.
In which region did the Battle of Tannenberg take place?
The Battle of Tannenberg took place in East Prussia.
When was Battle of Tannenberg?
The Battle of Tannenberg took place between the 26th and the 30th August, 1914.
Who commanded the German Army at the Battle of Tannenberg?
The German forces were led by Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg and his Chief of Staff, Erich Ludendorff.
What was the significance of Battle of Tannenberg?
The Germans were outnumbered and von Hindenburg and Ludendorff became national heroes for saving East Prussia from the Russian invasion. One Russian division was completely destroyed and the other retreated back to Poland. The Russians did not recover from this defeat until 1915.
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