Second Barons' War

What was the Second Barons' War?
Henry rejected the Provisions of Oxford and ruled as badly as before. The barons called upon Simon de Montfort to lead them in a war against the king. This was the Second Barons' War.
What caused the Second Barons' War?
There were four key reasons for the Second Barons' War:
  • Henry III ignored the Provisions of Oxford. He formally rejected it in 1261.
  • He had lost two major wars in France.
  • He had increased taxes in order to pay the pope.
  • The barons believed he was too close to the French, as many of his advisers were French.
When was the Second Barons' War?
It took place from 1264-1267.
Who led the barons in the Second Barons' War?
Simon de Montfort led the barons against the king.
What happened in the Second Barons' War?
There were two key battles:
  • Battle of Lewes, 1264: The king and his son, Prince Edward, were captured.
  • Battle of Evesham, 1265: Prince Edward's army defeated Simon De Montfort and the barons.
Who won the Second Barons' War?
The Second Barons' War was eventually won by King Henry III. Evesham had proved a vital victory for Henry and, after de Montfort died, the barons struggled with many of them supporting the king.
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