The Nazi Party

What was the Nazi Party?
The Nazi Party was the National Socialist German Workers' Party. It was a extreme right-wing political party and supported the ideology of Nazism, a form of fascism.
When did the Nazi Party gain power in the Reichstag?
The Nazis gained 32 seats in the Reichstag in the general election held in May 1924. They remained unpopular during the 1920s. In July 1932 the number of seats they held increased to 230. Hitler became chancellor in January 1933.
What were the main aims of the Nazi Party?
The Nazi Party had 3 main aims:
  • The Nazis wanted to destroy the Treaty of Versailles and undo all of the changes it had imposed on Germany.
  • They wanted to destroy Weimar's democratic constitution because they saw this as weak. They wanted a strong, central government to make Germany stronger.
  • They wanted to expand Germany. They wanted Lebensraum, or living space, particularly in the East.
What was nationalistic about the Nazi Party?
The Nazis had 4 key nationalistic ideas:
  • The Nazis wanted to destroy the Treaty of Versailles to regain all of the territory they had lost.
  • They believed in Lebensraum, or living space, to accommodate the nation's population.
  • The Nazis wanted to rebuild the strength of Germany's military forces.
  • They believed that Aryans were a superior race and only they should be German citizens.
What was socialist about the Nazi Party ideas?
The Nazis had few true socialist beliefs:
  • The Nazi Party claimed it wanted to nationalise industries. In reality, it carried out the 'Aryanisation' of the German economy by seizing business from the control of non-Aryans.
  • The Nazis wanted to provide employment for every Aryan man.
  • They wanted to give equal rights to all Aryan citizens.
  • They wanted to give support to Aryan mothers and children.
How did the Nazi Party become popular?
There are 4 main reasons why the Nazis become popular in the late 1920s:
  • In the early years of the Nazi Party, they kept their policies deliberately vague so they would appeal to as many people as possible.
  • Following the economic crash on Wall Street in 1929, the Nazis' popularity rose as they offered to cure the huge unemployment issue in Germany through 'work and bread'.
  • The Weimar Republic once again looked weakened and the Nazis seemed to be the solution, offering a strong dictatorship in its place.
  • Hitler appealed to many as he was known to be charismatic and a skillful public speaker. The organisation of the Nazis in their rallies also drew people to vote for them.
Who funded the Nazi Party?
The Nazis were funded by millionaires, such as Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach and Alfred Hugenberg. All Hugenberg's 53 newspapers spread the Nazi message.
How did Hitler help the Nazi Party gain popularity?
There were 5 key ways in which Hitler helped the Nazi Party gain support:
  • He was a strong leader and mesmerising public speaker.
  • He travelled the country giving rousing speeches.
  • Hitler's hatred of Jews struck a chord with many people, as they were seen as a convenient scapegoat for Germany's problems.
  • He was seen as their last hope.
  • He understood the importance of effective propaganda and created easily recognisable symbols such as the swastika, which he designed.
What was the Nazi Party message?
Hitler adapted his message depending on his audience. If he was speaking to businessmen, he would talk about how the Nazis would solve the Great Depression. To workers, he said the Nazis would provide employment and food.
What did the Nazi Party do when they came to power?
Once the Nazis had gained control of the Reichstag, they began to consolidate their power, remove all opposition and create a totalitarian dictatorship in Germany.
How did the Nazi Party control the legal system?
Once in power, the Nazis abolished trials by jury. All decisions were left to the judges. All judges had to join the National Socialist League for the Maintenance of the Law and take the Hitler oath. Judges were required to rule in the Nazis' favour.
How did the Nazi Party use censorship?
Once in power, the Nazis used censorship in the following 4 key ways:
  • Any books written by Jews, or which disagreed with the Nazi Party's beliefs, were burned.
  • All scripts for plays, films or radio shows had to conform to Nazi beliefs. Writers were told what to say.
  • Only newspapers that supported the Nazi Party and spread their propaganda were allowed to operate.
  • Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's propaganda minister, ensured anything which was published conformed to party ideals.
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