General Douglas MacArthur

Who was General Douglas MacArthur?
General Douglas MacArthur was commander of the UN forces in Korea in 1950.
What was General Douglas MacArthur's background?
There are 3 important points to note:
  • He was born into a family with a military background.
  • He studied at the US Military Academy, West Point.
  • He fought for the US armed forces in the First World War and was awarded 13 medals for bravery.
  • He fought in the Second World War as the commander against Japan and played a leading role in rebuilding the country afterwards.
What was the significance of General Douglas MacArthur?
MacArthur was famed for being stubborn and arrogant. It was these personality traits that landed him in trouble with President Truman during the Korean War, when he ignored orders and was subsequently fired.
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