The Division of Korea

What was the division of Korea?
The division of Korea was the separation of the country into two nations at the end of the Second World War.
When was Korea divided?
The division of Korea took place between 10th - 17th August, 1945.
How was Korea divided?
Korea was divided into two separate zones - North Korea and South Korea - along the 38th parallel. This line divided the country almost exactly in half.
Why was Korea divided?
Korea was divided after the break up of the Japanese Empire. Japan had controlled the country since the beginning of the 20th century, until its defeat at the end of the Second World War. Japanese soldiers in the north had surrendered to Soviet troops, and soldiers in the south had surrendered to the US.
What happened to the north when Korea was divided?
In the north, Stalin appointed Kim Il-Sung, a communist who had trained in the USSR, as leader. No elections were held, even though it had been agreed when the country was first divided that they would take place. The country became known as the People's Republic of Korea, or North Korea.
What happened to the south when Korea was divided?
Elections were held in the US-controlled southern zone, in keeping with the agreement. The new president was Syngman Rhee, a capitalist with close ties to America. The country became known as the Republic of Korea, or South Korea.
What was the impact of the division of Korea?
The division of Korea had 3 important impacts:
  • The division of Korea led to further tensions in the Cold War between the USA and the USSR.
  • Tensions between the communist North and capitalist-backed South escalated into conflict from 1950 to 1953.
  • The country remains divided to the present day, even though the division was supposed to be temporary.
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