The Johnson County War

What was the Johnson County War?
The Johnson County War was a conflict over the ownership and use of the 'range' (the wide open plains).
When was the Johnson County War?
The Johnson County War took place in 1892.
Why was the Johnson County War significant?
The Johnson County War was significant because it showed that lawlessness continued into the 1890s.
What caused the Johnson County War?
Tensions in Wyoming laid the foundations. Small ranchers were fed up with the way larger, rich businesses held all the power. The larger ranchers accused the smaller ones of stealing their cattle after a harsh winter in 1886. Juries, made up of locals, never convicted the larger ranchers. The Wyoming Stock Growers' Association - the WSGA - also added to the tension.
What happened in the Johnson County War?
The WSGA planned an invasion of Johnson County, seeking to kill 70 men it believed the county could 'do without'.
How was the Johnson County War paid for?
The WSGA raised over $100,000 from the rich businessmen of the area.
Who was involved in the Johnson County War?
The WGSA hired 22 Texas gunmen.
Why did the Johnson County War fail?
The invasion failed because the Texas gunmen attacked a local ranch and shot Nate Champion. He was one of the men identified by the WSGA to be killed, but they burned his house to smoke him out. This outraged the locals, who wanted to protect their own properties. Sheriff Angus surrounded the invaders at the TA Ranch until the US 6th Cavalry arrived and saved them.
Why were the charges against the Texas gunmen dropped after the Johnson County War?
The trial of the Texas gunmen resulted in the charges against them being dropped. There were several reasons for this:
  • The Governor of Wyoming was a friend of the invaders and the WSGA.
  • The WSGA hired the best Chicago lawyers to defend them.
  • The lawyers successfully argued the gunmen would not receive a fair trial in Johnson Country and proceedings were moved to Cheyenne.
  • The lawyers made sure proceedings dragged on for a long time. They knew the Johnson County prosecutors would run out of money and would have to end the trial.
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