First Public Health Act

What was the Public Health Act of 1848?
The 1848 Public Health Act was the first attempt by the government to enforce the clean up of towns in England and Wales.
What did the Public Health Act 1848 recommend?
The 1848 Public Health Act made four main recommendations.
  • Each town could appoint a Medical Officer of Health.
  • A general Board of Health could be set up, and towns would be allowed to create their own local boards of health.
  • Rubbish removals could be organised, and a sewer system built.
  • People should have access to clean water.
What were the problems with the Public Health Act of 1848?
The Public Health Act had of 1848 had limited impact. There were two main reasons for this.
  • The terms of the Act were only temporary.
  • The Act was voluntary. To create a local board of health required 10% of ratepayers to be in favour, and some local authorities did not take action.
What was the significance of the Public Health Act 1848?
This was the first time the government had passed a law to improve public health, and demonstrates the move away from a laissez-faire attitude.
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