Fourth Duma, 1912 to 1917

What was the fourth Duma?
The fourth Duma was the fourth and final parliament while Nicholas II was the Tsar of Russia.
When did the fourth Duma exist?
The fourth Duma was in session between November 1912 and February 1917. It was finally closed in October 1917.
Who sat in the fourth Duma?
The fourth Duma was elected using the altered electoral system which gave the richest third of the population more voting power. It was dominated by conservatives, especially the nationalists and right-wing parties.
What did the fourth Duma do?
The fourth Duma faced 3 main problems:
  • It struggled to make much of a difference during the crisis of the First World War.
  • In 1915, a progressive bloc formed, consisting of the centre parties, which tried to make the government and Nicholas II more responsive to the people. It failed.
  • One new member, Alexander Kerensky, would become important after the February 1917 revolution.
When was the fourth Duma shut down?
The fourth Duma opened and closed several times between 1912 and 1917. It was eventually dissolved in February 1917. However, members of the fourth Duma continued to run the country as a part of the Provisional Government so was finally closed in October 1917.
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