The Constituent Assembly, 1918

What was the Constituent Assembly?
The Constituent Assembly was an elected body organised by the Provisional Government for the purpose of establishing a new government after the collapse of the tsarist government. It would write a new constitution outlining how Russia would be governed.
When was the Constituent Assembly open?
The Constituent Assembly opened on 5th January and was closed down on 6th January, 1918.
Who closed down the Constituent Assembly?
Lenin closed the Constituent Assembly with the Red Guard. It was done at gunpoint.
Why was the Constituent Assembly closed down?
The Constituent Assembly was closed for 2 main reasons:
  • The results for the Constituent Assembly were not in the Bolsheviks' favour as the Socialist Revolutionaries gained 57%-58% of the vote. This meant it was not under the control of the Bolsheviks.
  • The Constituent Assembly rejected a proposal from the Sovnarkom which included all their decrees on land, peace and workers' rights, and a statement which gave all power to the Soviets.
What were the election results for the Constituent Assembly?
The results for the Constituent Assembly are disputed because the elections were interrupted and not all votes were returned. Socialist Revolutionaries won 57-58% of the vote, the Bolsheviks won 25%, the Kadets won 5% and the Mensheviks won 3%.
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