Which Leader Was the Most Successful in the Cuban Missile Crisis?

What leader was most successful in the Cuban Missile Crisis?
Historians debate whether Kennedy or Khrushchev was more successful at dealing with the Cuban Missile Crisis.
How successful was Kennedy at dealing with the Cuban Missile Crisis?
Some historians argue that Kennedy, compared to Khrushchev, dealt more successfully with the Cuban Missile Crisis, giving 2 key reasons.
  • Kennedy was seen as strong and decisive and his popularity soared.
  • Kennedy had successfully prevented nuclear missiles from being placed on Cuba.
How successful was Khrushchev at dealing with the Cuban Missile Crisis?
Some historians argue that Khrushchev, compared to Kennedy, had more success with the Cuban Missile crisis, giving 3 key reasons.
  • Khrushchev had prevented a nuclear war by agreeing to compromise.
  • The USA had agreed not to invade Cuba, so the USSR still had a communist ally close to America.
  • As Cuba remained communist, the US policy of containment had failed.
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